Facts To Know About Short Bed To Long Bed Conversions

Turning a short box truck into a long one – that is definitely a thing, or wish for that matter, you don’t see or hear everyday, but it happens.

The question though is, how major is it? Can you just slap a longer bed on top of the existing frame and call it a day?

What are the other points you should keep in mind about this kind of modification? This post answers exactly that.

It’s going to be expensive

I’ll be blunt right off the bat here – be prepared to spend right around 5000 to 6000$ for such job.

Does it make sense to spend all that money for a shop to do this sort of thing? You be the judge, though the older the pickup truck, the more you’re going to lose – i mean, the truck itself may cost less than the conversion itself!

Can i do it myself?

Most certainly not. I mean, if you do have connections with people who do that sort of thing, sure, you can cut down the price significantly, especially so if you will also do a lot of the work and get the parts from junkyards or such.

The thing is is that the process isn’t as uncomplicated as you may think at first. The frame of the vehicle has to be cut, lengthened and professionally welded, so the thing wouldn’t collapse on itself when you’re driving, obviously.

Next, all the fuel and brake lines, driveshafts and other crucial components have to be lengthened.

This doesn’t look that simple, right?

Trade it instead

Now i know that there are many reasons why trading the truck you already have for the longer kind may make less sense for you, but seriously, this will probably cost less overall.

What you have to know is that lengthening the pickup’s bed you own will undoubtedly hurt its resale value. Replacing the vehicle though, instead of cutting it up, is definitely a better idea when it comes to this.

What if, after trying out the long bed, you’ll want to go back? Again, trading the ride is just a more logical thing to do here, i think.

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